Abby's Food Court

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Japanese Sweet Potato Pancakes

These 3-ingredient pancakes are AMAZING. They actually turned out like pancakes - golden and crispy around the edges and fluffy in the middle. My husband, baby (9 months) and I devoured them.

Because the Japanese sweet potato is sweet on its own, they don’t neeeeed maply syrup to hit the spot.

These are perfect for moms and babies and it’s a great baby led weaning recipe. Depending on what stage your baby is at, simply cut the pancakes into the appropriate size!

I highly recommend making a large batch and freezing some. They’re wonderful to have on hand when you have a screaming and hungry little one. All you have to do is pop them into the toaster and BAM you have a healthy and delicious snack or breakfast for your kids (or yourself!)

Japanese Sweet Potato Pancakes


  • 1 baked Japanese sweet potato

  • 3 eggs

  • 2 tbsp hemp seeds

  • Coconut oil, for cooking


  1. Remove the sweet potato skins and, in a large bowl, mash them so there aren’t any large clumps. (Don’t throw away the skins; eat them for extra fiber!).

  2. Once mashed, add the eggs and hemp seeds. Mix to combine, but don’t over-mix. If it seems too thick, add a splash of plant based milk (oat or almond would work great).

  3. Heat coconut oil on a skillet over medium heat and once hot, transfer mixture to the skillet in 2 tbsp increments (more or less depending on how big you want them).

  4. Leave the pancakes to cook untouched for 2-3 minutes. Once they start to bubble and the bottom is cooked, flip. Cook on the other side for a few more minutes.

  5. Transfer to a plate and let cool (as hard as that is!)!

  6. Enjoy with or without toppings!

  7. Store in an airtight glass container for 4 days or freeze for up to 6 months. To reheat, pop them in the toaster than they’ll be ready to enjoy so fast!

Let me know what you think in the comments!